Another award... and this one feels really special

First, It’s not everyday one is awarded something…

Secondly, it’s even more a surprise receiving it when one is not expecting to win. I truly didn’t as I was sure someone had done something more worthy of it than I had over the past year.

See below what I was awarded.

I love being part of SDEBA and I love being able to photograph members of the LGBTQ community.

I have and have always had many friends in this community and I feel I owe much to these people in my life and to be honored by them is more precious to me than any other imagery-based award I could receive.

So let me get to why I won this…

and let’s get this fact out of the way: I am a straight white guy and I don’t know adversity and discrimination… not really. I have been told to “go back to my country a few times” but barely anything about me is legislated, prohibited, or even frowned upon. I feel lucky to be who I am and to be accepted by others without caveats and I think it is on me to help where ever I can.

Being accepted for who one is by their peers or by the government isn’t always a guaranteed thing (e.g. what is happening in Texas right now).

But being gay or trans or having substance abuse issues does not remove you from your community as much as some would like. One of my dearest friends died of substance abuse after having difficulty for many years in his childhood reconciling his sexual orientation and the pressures of society. He never got the chance to kick the habit before he contracted AIDS from needle use.

This is why I was very privileged to work with Stepping Stone and Avenir Thinking this past year on the new Living Out Loud campaign (click on the title, I highly recommend it). I was able to pay homage to my friend Michael and to show my love for this community.

Here’s an example of some of the images I took for this project.

I made the cover of Fujilove

One of my proudest achievements since I started photography is to have had the honor to create and complete this project. I was happy with that fact… but…

The project resonated with people and I had the bold move to ask Fujilove if they were interested in publishing the project in their upcoming June issue and to my amazement, not only did they agree, but also gave me the huge honor to put one of my images on the FREAKING cover.

I’m sorry what!!?? 😱

Yes please.

So here is the article. I’ll post the text only version below this gallery.

Portraits Of My Father

As a father of two and the son of one, you’d think I would know what being a father means but as Antoine, I only get to understand -barely- my own version of this human experiment even though some things are general for us all; so what does it mean to be a father?

Portraits of My Father is a portrait series looking at the diaspora of the fathers of today hoping it will challenge stereotypes of the past. It is also an introspection/exorcism of what my relationship with my father was not like growing up (loving and close) compared to what my relationship with my children is like today (involved, affectionate, and present). It is especially about understanding what that word with a capital “F” actually means at its core instead of subscribing to societal stereotypes that do not match my own experience. 

I had been looking for more meaning in my photography and had tried my hand at a couple of half-hearted series that I knew wasn’t ever going to go anywhere any time soon because I lacked a personal attachment to them. And then, I ran into my friend Lisa who works as a program director at a nonprofit and she germinated an idea that later became this beautiful project. We had meetings, we planned to collaborate, I made a couple of test sessions, and then... COVID happened. I decided to take it on anyway because once the idea had taken hold in my head, I could not let go of it. I needed to make it happen. 

My goal was to photograph 40 fathers and their children to explore fatherhood, masculinity, love, and challenge the outdated media representations that usually come with being a dad. I sought to photograph fathers of all kinds: Ones that have adopted children or who were adopted themselves; recomposed families; fathers and kids with special needs; dads that have used surrogates in order to have children; fathers and kids with mixed cultural backgrounds; of different social classes and sexual orientations... 

Honestly, the hard part wasn’t finding the fathers but coming up with a title for this project. It took me about eight months to come up with the very simple and evocative Portraits Of My father. The doing of the project was so important to me that titling it seemed trivial, even if I knew it was an important piece of the puzzle. When I figured out the title, that’s when I realized I was doing this project to justify my own experience as a father, to exorcise my resentments as the son of a somewhat absent father, and to prove that fatherhood is as wide a human experience as there are human beings. Photographing 40 fathers seemed like an ambitious number at the time. A year and a half into this project and that number feel inconsequential now, like I’ve barely scratched the surface.

Fatherhood is such a heavily loaded word. Fathering a child and being a father are two different things altogether. Being a good father is hard-- it’s like an old-school oath. It’s a project you are committed to working on for the rest of your life, and I don’t care how many books you read about parenting, you can only learn to be a father once you become one. All these rules and ideas you think you have about what you’ll do as a father because you’ll never repeat the mistakes your dad made is a good start, but it’s just that: a place to launch from. 

Hopefully, you have fewer doubts than I do about what it means on a daily to be a good father. I have two girls -11 and 5- and I feel the weight of my mistakes as a father on my children’s futures much more often than I feel the weight of my successes. In marketing, they tell you that it takes a lifetime to build a reputation and one moment to destroy it. Well, I feel that fatherhood is kind of like that. I try to earn my kids’ love, trust, and respect and all three seem too easy to lose if I am not careful. The successes feel like tiny, ephemeral, fragile things that should be nurtured because I want to be a great father and role model for them, whatever that means. 

Having two daughters and watching them grow up made me realize many things about fatherhood and I’ve relaxed a lot over the years about what we as a society think fatherhood looks like. Men are still mostly viewed as financial providers for their families with little emotional bandwidth. Our roles are changing rapidly but I’ve judged and compared myself to other -better?- fathers that seemed to have their stuff together and seemed to do it “right.” I’ve felt guilty because I was a stay-at-home parent and I’ve felt guilty because I was working… sometimes during the same day. I am a very progressive person but I have demeaned myself because I was “just” a stay-at-home dad. In the back of my mind, I could not shake the indoctrination of my father’s generation that as a husband, I should be out there providing for my family. The media still portrays dads very involved in their kids’ lives as heroes instead of something that is normal. It took me a while to separate my father’s experience from my own and to get over my shame and guilt over what I thought my responsibilities were. I am a grown man and fairly introspective; and yet it took me a long time to really understand what my role as a father was. 

It’s weird how taking pictures of others can be therapeutic and healing for my own traumas. These images are as much about the fathers in the picture as they are reflections of my experience as a father and a son. This ode to fatherhood helped me to take stock of my own mistakes, shortcomings, but especially of my own successes as a father. The weirdest part of it all to me is that I also became closer to my father somehow without ever talking to him about all this. I let go of some things and made peace with others. I felt I could understand him better. I came to terms with enjoying the relationship I have with him instead of resenting him for the one I wanted to have. And what I have come to truly realize since starting this project is that DNA doesn't mean much when it comes to being a father. It’s just about the love we give to our kids and what we do with that love. Being a good father is truly a respectable thing to be. What a discovery, right? 

A podcast guest host appearance

Something pretty cool happened to me recently… as the title suggests, I made a guest host appearance on one of my favorite photography podcast: “Hit The Streets With Valérie Jardin.”

The French-ness was strong on this one. Both Valérie and I are French. We both love street photography and we both shoot with Fujifilm cameras. That was a lot of commonalities there and we had a great time talking. I’ve received many compliments from strangers on my appearance and I truly think it showed. We had a great rapport and we talked about deep stuff maaaan! :)

She’s a great woman. She’s very nice and she is a very good photographer. I was absolutely honored.

I suggest you take a listen. click the image to go to her show page.

How to: street portraits

What follows is how I do it… I say, use what I’m telling you and make up your own way of doing things. I love taking street portraits. I find it extremely rewarding and engaging and weird and fun and… 

It’s a privilege

I wholeheartedly believe this. It IS a privilege. Complete strangers let you into their lives for a few minutes and give you permission to make a portrait of them like that on the street. Treat it as such… I am honored every time it happens and I am compelled to make great photographs because of it. Which brings me to my second point:


Be sincere… don’t be a creep

Be sincere about this. More than any other type of photography, street portraits need sincerity, earnestness and genuine human interactions to make it work. It’s a learned process. Be careful where you are, of your surroundings, of the culture you are in. Don’t be a creep… it’s creepy and people will not collaborate with you. They will smell it off of you. 

Approach people with a smile

That’s part of being sincere. When creating street portraits, you have to break down the barrier that exist between you and your subject very fast. Being a friendly, sociable, gregarious person will help you break the space between that much faster… but by no means is it exclusively for my type of people. I have moments when I get very shy and hesitant about approaching someone. Guess what happens then? If I don’t open myself to them and don’t project the necessary confidence, my request to make a portrait with them will fail almost always. 

Bus Stop Portrait

Go for people you find intriguing

This is huge on increasing your success rate. Find people you have a connection with… even if they haven’t seen you or met your eye yet. It happens to me all the time. I see someone crossing the street and I want to know who they are, how they came to be here, where they are going… Sometimes, it’s just the way they dress that’s just too cool, sometimes it’s those glasses. The best thing to do when you approach them is to 1.) Smile (see above) and 2.) Compliment them on something that made you go up to them. 

reaching out

Have a goal

“Why are you doing this?” “What will you do with the photos?” “Are you posting them somewhere?” These two asked me 20 questions before letting me make the portrait. 

I have heard many different iterations of these questions. The first few times, it took me by surprise… it shouldn’t have… because of course I needed an explanation why I wanted to take their photo. At first, it was because I felt compelled to do so. I had no plan and it made it harder for me. Now, I have a plan and I get much much more positive responses. Currently, I am working on a long personal project of documenting El Cajon Blvd, in San Diego. It has a lot of different cultures pulsing through the heart of this street, a long history with ups and downs since its creation and it is on the verge of gentrification. When I tell that to people, it works almost every time.

Red and Black, Paris

It’s weird… embrace the weirdness

Why are you taking pictures of strangers in the first place? I know I have a project I am working on, but it’s still an odd thing to ask a stranger. My advice, drink in the weird. Take it in; it’ll make you a better photographer. Going against your instincts makes you come out of your shell. It keeps you operating at a minimal comfort level and THAT keeps you sharp. I’ve learned to look for that uncomfortable moment to make it into a great picture… because even if they accept, it is awkward. If you feel it too, you CONNECT. You are now on equal grounds with her. Very often, as photographers, we hold the power in the relationship when we are behind the camera, especially with traditional studio portraits or weddings. When doing street portraits, you have to shift that perspective and the power dynamics involved… become your subject’s equal. Embrace the weirdness of the moment. 

“Make” v. ”take”

Eric Kim said it and I couldn’t agree more. I’ll paraphrase: Don’t take a picture, make a picture. In fact, don’t even make a picture, make a portrait. I say it all the time but “Words matter.” Take a picture and you are taking something from them.  Make that picture and you are doing this together. The same logic applies to using “portrait” instead of “picture.” 


Clean up your composition

You’ll notice that none of what we discussed is about the act of making the portrait and it is all about BEFORE the precious moment when you click the shutter. I could have told you: “be a decent human being” and that would have been that but I care about this stuff and it’s good to piece it out in actionable items. If you are here, you know how to take a picture. Find a clean background, pose or don’t pose your subject, don’t cut off hands or limbs in weird places and you’re good to go. 


That’s it. Just go be your best self on the streets. I promise you, you’ll be happy you did.